INGREDIENTS: 1) 2 Bunches Sarso Saag/Mustard Leaves 2) 1 Bunch Palak Saag/Spinach Leaves 3) 1 Onion 4) 1 Tomato 5) 5-6 Cloves of Garlic 6) 1" Ginger 7) 2 Tablespoon Ghee/Clarified Butter 8) 1 Teaspoon Haldi/Turmeric 9) 1/2 Teaspoon Garam Masala 10) 1/2 Teaspoon Coriander Powder 11) 1/2 Teaspoon Red Chilli Powder 12) Salt to taste 13) 4 Cups Maize Flour/Makki ka Atta 14) 2 Glass of warm water PREPARATION TIME: 35 mins HOW TO PREPARE: SARSO SAAG: * Wash and clean the leaves of both sarso and palak * Boil the leaves with 1/2 cup water and ginger for 10 mins * Chop the onions, tomato and garlic, keep aside * Grind the boiled leaves into a paste * In a wok, add ghee and garlic, saute for a few minutes * Add onions and tomatoes and saute for few minutes * Add Salt, haldi, coriander, red chilli and garam masala powder * Add the leaves paste and saute for few minutes * Add water to the consistency you prefer * Cook for 10 mins and add a little more ghee and serve hot w...